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Fleet Captain


I have begun to plan our rendezvous schedule for the season. I would like to try renting Taylor Island in Coecles Harbor. There is a museum and we will be able to have a camp fire on the grounds. I have explored the island several times and the
night time is the best time. The house takes on a bit of a haunted feel and the wildlife is incredible to find with a flashlight. I am for sure open tosuggestions but I am currently thinking about Coecles, 3 Mile for fireworks, Fisher’s Island and
Napatree. We had some excellent trips last year and I sincerely hope we can muster a high level of participation for the 2013 season!
 To contact Tom Lavendar

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Thomas Lavendar

Fleet Captain

June 8th - Hamburg Cove, Lyme (CANCELLED)

Raft-up/Mooring ball. 1st annual Rendezvous Poker
Run. Prizes, cocktails and appetizers

July 6th - 7th - Coecles Harbor, NY
Raft-up/Anchorage/Marina. Swimming, clamming,
historicTaylor Island, cocktails, hors d'ouevres and
dinner. Fireworks

July 20th - 21st - Three Mile Harbor, NY
Raft-up/Anchorage. Swimming, beach, cocktails and
appetizers. Fireworks

August 3rd - 4th - Napa Tree Point, RI
Raft-up/Anchorage. Swimming, Clamming, beach,
Cocktails, hors d'ouevres and dinner. Bonfire and

October 13th - Hamburg Cove, Lyme
Raft-up/Mooring ball. Bloody Mary’s, mimosas and

I encourage all of our newest members to
try and make these fun weekends. They are
a great way to socialize with the membership.
For those less experienced boaters, this is
an opportunity to tag along with some over
our most “nautical” members. The rendezvous are also a way to become comfortable
with staying a few days at some of the most
beautiful waterfront places that the Northeast has to offer.
I look forward to seeing everyone out there!

Thomas L. Lavender
MYC Fleet Captain – 2013 Season.

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